Sea: sustainable management of marine resources

Sea: sustainable management of marine resources

During the second CARE’s Talk the main theme will concern the sustainable use of the marine resources: a way to protect our waters and ourselves.

With the moderation of Lisa Casali, expert in sustainable cuisine but first of all environmental scientist, 7 speakers will express their points of view and the projects they are currently following.

Giulia Bernardi, marine biologist carrying on a PhD thesis about fish assemblage structure around Salina Island, and Mariasole Bianco, recognised in 2015 as one of the “100 Ocean Heroes “ for the great work she has done for marine conservation, are both collaborating with the Aeolian Islands Preservation Fund: the first as Local Project Manager, the latter with a project called “A_Mare le Eolie”, to spread information and to educate about marine conservation.

The Aeolian fishery and its interaction with the cetacean diet will be, instead, the topic developed by Monica Francesca Blasi, president of the Filicudi Wildlife Conservation organization.

Her speech will be followed by the ones of David Kinch, the chef of Manresa Restaurant who collaborates with local farms to source the highest quality ingredients of not only the season, but of that day, Daniela Mainenti, president of RUO, a research association examining the illegal fishing, Rory Moore, project manager at the Blue Marine Foundation who will present a best practice model of sustainable artisanal fisheries in the marine protected area of Lyme Bay, and a Salina fisherman who will talk about the local perception of the Aeolian fish stocks, now threaten from the presence of too many dolphins in the Aeoilian sea.